1.在世界率先實現(xiàn)經(jīng)濟回升向好 China was among the first in the world to see the economic turn around.
2.撫今追昔,偉大祖國的輝煌成就極大地激發(fā)了全國人民的自信心和自豪感 The outstanding achievements in the past six decades have greatly boosted the confidence and pride of the people.
3.自住性住房消費 owner-occupied homes/houses
4.保障性住房 low-income housing
5.經(jīng)濟適用房 affordable housing
6.抑制部分行業(yè)產能過剩和重復建設 to restrict excess production capacity and redundant development in some industries
7.節(jié)能產品惠民工程 project to promote energy-efficient products for the benefit of the people
8.國家補貼節(jié)能產品 Government-subsidized energy-efficient products
9.高效照明燈具 compact fluorescent lamp
10.災害防御能力 disaster preparedness
11.體制機制 institutions and mechanisms
12.體制障礙 institutional barriers
13.創(chuàng)業(yè)板 The ChiNext stock market
14.集體林權制度改革 the reform of tenure in collective-owned forests
15.對外工程承包營業(yè)額 receipts from overseas project contracts revenue from overseas contracted projects
16.經(jīng)貿金融合作 economic, trade and financial cooperation
17.包括農民工在內的城鎮(zhèn)企業(yè)職工養(yǎng)老保險關系轉移接續(xù)辦法 method to ensure portability and continuity of pension accounts for urban enterprise workers, including rural migrant workers
18.棚戶區(qū) run-down areas
19.進一步促進教育公平 We made education more equitable.
20.社會正常秩序 maintain order in society
21.統(tǒng)籌國內國際兩個大局 consider both domestic and international situations
22.既強調統(tǒng)一思想、顧全大局,又鼓勵因地制宜、探索創(chuàng)新 While stressing unity in thinking and keeping overall interests in mind, we also need to encourage localities to be innovative and act in line with their own conditions.
23.世界經(jīng)濟格局大變革、大調整 major changes in the global economic landscape
24.擴大股權和債券融資規(guī)模 increase financing by selling equities and issuing bonds
25.企業(yè)退休人員 enterprise retirees
26.整頓和規(guī)范市場秩序 overhaul and better regulate the market
27.家電下鄉(xiāng)產品 government subsidized home-appliances-for-the-countryside
28.推動經(jīng)濟進入創(chuàng)新驅動、內生增長的發(fā)展軌道 put economic development onto the track of endogenous growth driven by innovation.
29.搶占經(jīng)濟科技制高點 capture the economic, scientific and technological high ground
30物聯(lián)網(wǎng) the Internet of Things
31.打好節(jié)能減排攻堅戰(zhàn)和持久戰(zhàn) strive to conserve energy and reduce emissions
32.促進基本公共服務均等化 ensure fair access to basic public services
33.強農惠農政策 policies to aid agriculture and benefit farmers
34.保障“米袋子”、“菜籃子”安全 secure food supply
35.促進農民就業(yè)創(chuàng)業(yè) help rural residents find jobs or start their own businesses
36.實施好轉基因生物新品種培育科技重大專項 carry out a major project to breed genetically modified varieties
37.有計劃有步驟地解決好農民工在城鎮(zhèn)的就業(yè)和生活問題 We will promote employment for rural migrant workers in urban areas and address their problems in a planned and step-by-step manner.
38.再解決6000萬農村人口的安全飲水問題 provide safe drinking water to another 60 million rural people
39.科教興國戰(zhàn)略和人才強國戰(zhàn)略 the strategies of reinvigorating China through science and education and strengthening the nation through human resources development
40.只有一流的教育,才能培養(yǎng)一流人才,建設一流國家 First-class education is a prerequisite for cultivating high-caliber personnel and building a great country.
41.堅持育人為本,大力推進素質教育 We will continue to give top priority to ensuring the healthy growth of students and promote well-rounded education.
42.加強師德教育to improve the professional ethics of our teachers
推動以企業(yè)為主體、市場為導向、產學研相結合的技術創(chuàng)新體系建設 develop a system of technological innovation in which enterprises play the leading role, the market provides orientation, and the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes are integrated
43.建設人力資源強國 make our country strong in human resources.
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