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SUV中文英語翻譯Sport Utility Vehicle
時 間:2020-09-09 10:57:47   杭州中譯翻譯有限公司

  SUV的全稱是Sport Utility Vehicle,即“運動型多用途車”,20世紀80年代起源于美國,是為迎合年輕白領階層的愛好而在皮卡底盤上發(fā)展起來的一種廂體車。離地間隙較大,在一定的程度上既有轎車的舒適性又有越野車的越野性能。



  He says that women like SUVs. 他表示,SUV車受到女性青睞,

  It is called a sports utility vehicle, or SUV. 被稱為運動型多功能運載車,簡稱SUV。

  Many Americans like the feeling they get from driving an SUV. 許多美國人喜歡駕駛SUV。

  One reason may be that the SUV seems like a vehicle that can do many different things. 原因之一可能是,SUV的功能似乎很多,能做很多不同的事情。

  But the SUV in the magazine ad looked just like the ones I see every day on Texas roads. 但雜志廣告上的suv看上去就像我每天在得州公路上所看到的汽車。

  One study found that an SUV will release about two times as much carbon dioxide as a car over the life of the vehicle. 一項研究表明,在整個使用壽命期間,一輛suv的二氧化碳的排放量是普通汽車的兩倍。

  For example, the magazine slogan I saw on the plane advertised a sports utility vehicle (SUV) produced by a Chinese-American joint venture. 比如,我在飛機上看到的雜志上的那條廣告是宣傳一種中美合資生產(chǎn)的多功能運動汽車(SUV)。

  Today, some Ford SUV models have incorporated many of their ideas, including cup holders large enough to hold a supersize soft drink and an extra rear-view mirror to let the driver keep an eye on kids in the back seat. 如今,福特公司的一些SUV車型就包含了許多她們的建議,包括大得足以放下大號軟飲料的茶杯托,以及增設讓司機能夠看見坐在后座的孩子的后視鏡。

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